BTS Scout
Free Trial: 1 year
$300.00 / year (After Free Trial)
Additional Information
This subscription is intended for Coaches and Scouts. Unlock several tools that will enable you to recruit more efficiently and effectively. Includes the user-friendly Recruiting Dashboard which allows you to follow specific players.
Includes everything in Big Time Softball premium and the following:
- Access to player contact information. By clicking on an added player within your Recruiting Dashboard, a slide-out page will appear with all information gathered on that prospect.
- Access to player academic information. Academic information includes ACT/SAT and GPA. All academic information is unverified and populated/updated by the player.
- Customizable Recruiting Board. To assist in matching your specific recruiting needs, this tool gives you the ability to manage, sort and create sub-lists through a personalized tagging system for all players in your Recruiting Dashboard. Furthermore, through a simple drag-and-drop process, you will be able to move players up and down within your list to help prioritize.
- Player Calendar. This calendar will help you keep track of all prospects in your Recruiting Dashboard. This tool is a simple and easy way for coaches to track players throughout the busy, ever-changing spring, summer and fall seasons. All Big Time Softball events that your prospects are attending will populate into your calendar. Additionally, prospects will have the ability to manage their own calendar. If a game time has changed, or pitchers know they are throwing on a specific day and time, they simply update their event, which will be reflected in your calendar.
- Player Feed. Similar to an RSS feed, keep up to date with your prospects through this filtered news listing. All stories about players you are following will automatically populate in an easy-to-view, clickable news feed inside your dashboard.
- Interested Prospects. Prospects will have the ability to click the schools they are interested in from a listing of every college in the country within their own personal dashboard. When a prospect clicks on your school, their profile will appear in a designated section of your dashboard. Furthermore, with your BTS Scout account, you will be able to create and update your school profile page with basic information, such as general contact, links, records, admission requirements, and much more ... all of which will be available to the prospects who show interest in your program.
- Advanced Search Functionality
- The Advanced Search takes the finding capabilities to new levels. In the Advanced Search, you can search pitching velocity ranges, pop times, 20/40 times, positional velocities. Moreover, you can search the same criteria, then take it another level, by sorting by position, size, state. For example, let’s say a college coach is looking for a prospect who can run. So begin by setting the 40 range from 5.0-5.4. Now let’s say the coach is looking for a middle infielder in a specific class, so click shortstop. One step further, she wants a left-handed hitter. Click it. Now let’s say the college coach doesn’t have much luck in, say, Missouri, but kills it in Ohio, Illinois and Indiana. Click the desired states. Hit search. Voila, you have your left-handed hitting shortstop who can fly. It’s that easy.
** A recurring yearly payment of $300 will be charged to your card unless the subscription is canceled. You can cancel your subscription from the my subscription link under your account. In the case of a cancellation, you will maintain your subscription through the year purchased. It is an annual subscription and non-refundable.