Metrics Matter - Exit Velocity - Part 2

Metrics Matter - Exit Velocity:

Exit Velocity measures the speed of the Softball as it comes off the bat, immediately after the batter makes contact. Attaining a high Exit Velocity is one of a hitter's primary goals. A hard-hit ball won't always have a positive result, but the defense has less time to react, so the batter's chances of reaching base are higher.


Achieving a formidable Exit Velocity stands as a key objective for any hitter. While a hard-hit ball doesn't guarantee success, it significantly reduces the defense's reaction time, enhancing the batter's likelihood of reaching base. Recognized as a skill-based metric, Exit Velocity holds predictive value for future performance. 

When a player faces statistical challenges but consistently records impressive Exit Velocity readings, it signals a potential rebound in her near future. Conversely, for those surpassing expectations, a low Exit Velocity suggests a greater challenge in sustaining their outstanding offensive performance. This nuanced approach to Exit Velocity provides a deeper understanding of a player's hitting prowess and its implications on overall game dynamics.

College Average Exit Velo:

Slappers Swinging Away: 63 mph

Hitters: 70 mph

Quote - 

“Exit velocities are important because the speed at which the ball comes off the bat helps to create power.”

McKenna Garlock (Juniata Head Coach)